Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Life Goes On

More and more people are packing their bags and leaving Ann Arbor. Some are gone for the summer. Others are gone for good. And soon enough, I will join the ranks. And with that thought comes a flood of emotions. Relief. Joy. Excitement. Trepidation. Anxiety. Doubt. Regret. Sadness.

I will admit, I am a sentimental fellow. I can get emotional at times, especially when good friends come and go. In the past year, many of my friends have left town. Some to Chicago, some to New York, some internationally, and others in various places around the world. This week alone, people have moved on from Michigan to Austin, New York, and New Jersey. It is sad to say goodbye, especially with the uncertainty that we'll ever cross paths again.

There was a time when I would wallow in
my sadness as friends departed one by one. Recollecting all the fond memories made it so hard to imagine life apart from them. The bond and emotional attachment seemed too strong to sever, and sometimes I'd wonder if it would've been better to never have met them. But I've come to realize how short-sighted that mentality had been. Were it not for these friends, I would not have learned all the lessons I did in these past eight years. I would not have known what it meant to trust, encourage, serve, and love others. I would not have had anyone to support me through struggles and share in my triumphs. Each friend has played a significant role in the formation of my worldview and character.

While it is sad to have people leave after years of friendships forged through fire, it is a wonderful thing that we are moving on. Life indeed does go on, near or apart from our friends. We will live to see another day, near or apart from our friends. But I am convinced that distance does not define relationships, especially with the innovative means of telecommunications today.

So in this season of good-byes, I say, life's too precious to get all choked up in tears and sadness. I choose to look at the possibilities of the future, of where God is calling me and where God is calling my friends. So whether in New York, the Midwest, in California, in Texas, or in Korea, in China, in Taiwan, whether you're an i-banker, a med student, a teacher, homebody, I'm excited to see how our lives will turn out. I'm looking forward to hearing stories via gchat, email, facebook, blogs, and phone calls, and maybe possibly in future weddings and reunions.

Til then...

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